Stylefilter changes the graphics of your game (e.g. The stylefilter cheats change the visual style of the game by adding different artistic effects to your content. You can design your game by adding various filters and effects using the terraforming cheat codes below.

Players can publish their creation on the website where anyone can view them.Īs mentioned before, this game allows players to customize their desirable creatures, vehicles and buildings. It records the buildings, planets, and vehicles one has attained with money which you can get by spore more money cheats.

Sporepodia keeps track of your creatures like how they were evolved and their achievements. Let’s look at other non-categorical cheats like the Spore complexity cheats, Spore complexity meter, and the relationship cheats that really have no place to go: SPORE CHEATS USES spaceCreate+up keep pressing to have max uses spaceCreate to unlock tools in space mode addDNA to get 150 DNA points unlockSuperWeapons to unlock weapons spaceCreate unlocks tools in space evoadvantage to choose any creature from sporepodia when starting a new creature game SetTime to set time of Avatar or multiply speed help Provides a list of all cheats history displays previously used commands option gives an options list clear to clear consoles capturePlanetGIF captures spinning GIF of your current planet and stores to AnimatedAvatars directory AntiAliasGIF captures spinning GIF of your current planet and stores to AnimatedAvatars directory freedom get rid of all limits universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderfrequency# where # is the rate at which pirates will go after spice universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency# where # is the rate at which pirates will raid allies quit to quit game Des console commands Help explains action and use of the command Sporepodia Rename star : to change the name of the selected star.Rename planet : to change the name of the selected planet.level-unlockAdventures: spore cheats unlock all parts and Maxis adventures.